Happy Anniversary Blog!

May 20, 2013

Sometimes Not Giving A Fe*#^ck is soo Freeing. Take a friggin' page AiAi!

Okay, Ai Ai. Take a deep breath. Websters defines doormat as a person who is the habitual object of abuse or humiliation by another. Ai Ai, it sounds like you try too hard and do too much. Cut contact with this Jed guy who seems like an asshole of epic proportions and Runnnnnnnnnnnnnn! 

First of all, people can smell low self-esteem, no confidence, dependency and most of all *desperation*. Often opportunists would use this to their advantage. He made you  his mommy. You got him a car and spoiled his bratty chubby no good ass to please him. Now he wants more. Aaand more 'til you have nothing to give. Why do you stand this narcissist guy again?? You said it felt like fairy tale. And indeed it is. Just that you are that wretch witch from Hansel and Gretel, feeding him and his ego 'til they're both fat enough to feed on you. On the other hand, he is the manipulative, abusive version of Hansel or shall I say, Hansel version 666 point 0! I bet Jed Salang is gonna be the next house hold name ala Janine Togonon lang. Na-Jed Salang ka na ba(read:used and beaten like a dead horse lang)?

It's sad, but not that uncommon. Tsk, tsk our choices with men! A woman will always stay on the same rut only if she lets it. When a douchie hinted that a woman is bound to be back to her senses, before she could even leave, he'll promise all the stars, moon, heck, even plasma just to keep her. Avoid him like the plague at this point because he really is going to say anything. Anything! I'm tellin' ya. If he has leached the life out of you, it'll be no wonder how hard it is to go forward. The only way to do something is to actually do it. So by all means, do it! On to the next!

Oh and p.s. honey, never believe that anyone's life is as fabulous as an online profile makes it look! A lot of women are in the same dirty situation like Ai Ai cuz most ladies these days are all trying to be keep up wannabes bragging this, bragging that having the need to flaunt themselves. Do you really need to do that in order to truly find validation or be accepted in your circle? If you can't be friends with your friends if you aren't such the power couple or living rather the luxurious fab life or shall I say the *It life*, then I guess it is your friends that need further re-evaluation. This my friend is not my bitch shot on calling you out over your buddy choices. After all, you wouldn't know if you've got fair-weather friends until the weather turns bad. 

Online profiles whether that's Facebook, Twitter or Bragstagram exist to exaggerate and inflate. People mostly use them only to impress. And to disguise how many boring evenings they spend home with the computer, or going out and wishing someone would talk to them. So, tell me. Is that what you really want to be? An Attention Whore? 


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