Happy Anniversary Blog!

May 18, 2013

Quit livin' with nothing to show for it--you get what you get when you go for it..

So yesterday, I was waken up by my cutie next door neighbor to witness my morning glow, heh. I was gonna offer him some quickie..err oats. I said *OATS* so quit it. But he looks inebriatedly roasted than me considering tipsy is my middle name, err blogname i mean, shame. That. I had to squee--ooh thanks rather quickly and shut the door. I'm not paranoid. The guy was nice and all, highly helpful during my move-in actually, ooh strong arms if I may say and deaded the beers same night. Can't blame the guy, all the moving had us soo thirsty for ice cold beer, what?! oh well, no matter how nyc a guy is, even if he wakes you up to remind you not to be late for work the next day, you guyyyyzz, morning after is a morning after, shut the door and hit the shower. Get your ass movin' where it's supposed to be. At work!
Aand again so yesterday skipping all that, I went to work not really to work, but technically still work--hey what's happening to me, why am I blabbering? Anyway, goin' back, so we were seated as panel members for new upcoming professors for Anatomy and Physiology, Biology, Physics, Pol.Sci blablabla obviously for their job interview and teaching demo, what?! Our enrollees jacked up quite nicely rather than we've expected. Who knows??! We could juz be one of the most uppity universities in the country. hmm, Possible. Shut up. People can dream. Ha! 
Btw, this post is supposed to be about getting what you get when you go for it. What?? I want to inspire ya'al lol. So a burst of inspiration won't hurt every once in a while. For today lemme juz blabber 'bout one of those dear students o'mine who happens to be a "Baseball player" and a *GOLD* medalist at the Southeast Asian Games. Right, you prolly know him, he's got a life-size pretty paper cut-out of himself greeting you as you trail up from the escalator. Yes. It's Ram Casey's pitchin' perfect pose. No, silly, Bobby Parks is the one holding a basketball not a baseball, know the difference,ugh!
Ram Casey earned my respect not because he's a friggin' baseball player, and you pretty much know my kryptonite right? Strong arms, a lil too sportie, juz the right padding. Nooo. I did not mean Casey. Gross. Not with my students, duh. Pshaww!!! *Taking off my romantic glasses, asap. As in Now.*The way you think, ughhh drives me nutsie. Anyway. this kid despite his trainings and whatnot wouldn't dare miss my class. He'll be sitting there. Wearing a cast as part of his uniform. Not to mention a crutch to boot. I can't blame the kid though, what with a cute witty prof as me?? Ah, I'd be rockin' in crutches too if need be just to be in class, ahaha! juz kiddeeeng! got ya again! Sheesh, I one time remembered writing on board and knowing my oscillating hand gestures, surprisingly went a lil off balance trip myself a lil to this poor injured dude, saw him lip synching *Le Eau de ouche!!* if only to save me from further embarrassing myself. This. Wins me over.

So recently I got a text from Casey telling me about his step bro just currently graduating cum laude from U.P. expressing his passion to teach Pol.Sci. He handed me his resume and I forwarded it to admin. I was surprised to see my name on his letter of application, it says endorsed by Miss Jill blabla, hey this kid is kinda smart and surprised me more so once he started opening his mouth. Casey went with him the whole time. I could see him outside standing there. Making follow up as we speak, in a minute,a text. Anyway, I admire this kind of perseverance and his support for his step bro. Hence, a run-down of my usual friday to-do list boring your face now, lol. Hey, it pays to get your lil foot even in the slightest corner of the door is all I'm saying. Now, you'd be seeing Mr. Perez in your Pol.Sci class this June. How 'bout you? Your class or mine? Describe your dream job in detail. What are you most passionate about? Success is relative ya know but to me, it is something that you have to be able to spend your life in your own way--that is the only one success in my book!


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