This is viewed from a video of Khan Academy’s Channel on youtube.
We learnt before that the Krebs’ Cycle produced;
- 10 NADH molecules
- 2 FADH2 molecules
In this video he discussed the fate of these molecules when they entered the ETC.He stated that the electrons from FADH2 has a lower energy level than those from NADH hence NADH when entered into the ETC generates more ATP moelcules than FADH2. The main basis of this process is so that the electrons from the NADH and the FADH2 molecules can enter the inner membrane via an enzyme. The electrons then passes through various molecules which result in them going ‘downhill’ losing energy. Atp is generated and the H+ lost from the NADH and FADH2 forms water with the oxygen present.
He gave a really good description of the process but left out the key terms and most of the times by-passed relative information.
This picture gives a basic representation as to what takes place in the inner membrane of the mitochondria.
Credits to Biochem students Carlos, Shenelle, Liniker, Latisha, et. al
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