Judging by the way we look we all have different characteristics or Genetic make up. We know that the mode of hereditary is through the chromosomes that contain different genes on them. These Genes contains our DNA(Deoxyribonucleic Acid). This is what determines the way we look, things we do,our personality etc.
Now DNA is made up of;
- A ribose sugar
- Bases (Purine and Pyrimidine)
- A phosphate Group
Picture shows the basic structure of DNA
DNA is a double helix structure.You remember when we did Proteins???? Right So you must be saying to yourself that DNA is transcripted to RNA then translated into protein, for example, in a paternity test the bud (or hair root) contains your DNA which is usually tested to determine relations between two individuals.
When the bases are paired it is always a Purine to a Pyrimidine, never 2 Purines or 2 Pyrimidine being paired.
Credits to Biochem students Carlos, Shenelle, Liniker, Latisha, et. al
Picture shows the 2 Purines (Thymine and Cytosine) and the 2 Pyrimidines ( Adenine, Uracil and Guanine)
Pyrimidines that occur in DNA are cytosine and thymine. While Cytosine and uracil are the pyrimidines in RNA.
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