Happy Anniversary Blog!

March 20, 2012

Futzing Out First Entry and Getting in touch with our Inner Beach Bum

Woo-hoo!! First entry! Guess it wouldn’t be that difficult trying to remember the birth of my blog as it coincidentally was born same with the lil sis. Speaking of the she-devil, I soo miss her—our daily summer island night life, getting in touch with our inner beach bum, pub-crawling ala station of the cross, swinging by each bar from one station unto the next one! Those full moon parties with overflowing booze courtesy of the illest live djs and bar owner friends we’ve made along the way which includes D, that latino guy who concocts yum yum mojitos and best cocktails just for the sistahs! Just who am I to say no when booze comes free overfloweth? Nothing to worry about! We, two peas in a pod always do manage to crawl ourselves back from the beachcomber no matter how hammered and rosy-cheeked we are! Ah, fun fun tips-y nights! Just sucks to know I wouldn’t get to hang with her anytime soon.

Ma gave me a heads up re: lil sis’ crazy packing rut as she’s leaving her condo and moving back to Richmond. Ack! Hmmkay, which reminds me of my own packing feat as well. (Filing mental note: to ask maintenance guy to take the gigantic ceiling fan out of my condo unit as brother dearest wants it back!), I don’t quite know what the fuss is about really as I know he’s not gonna be needing it anytime soon as he is again deathly hollow. Meanwhile I just got an ambush overseas call from Pa re: bruh’s itinerary and whatnots, uhh he’s Europe bound by now, Pops— btw, and FYI, This. Girl. Yes. Me. Unfollowing!!! Gahhh. Seeeriously lah, the father (and son) keeps driving me a lil not so over the edge. Whelp, ma?? Alright then, I’m off busying myself. Thanks blog! Geez! Thanks for some excuses to be busy!


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