Naw, muh cheek violeta ain't's called contusion (read:bugbog otherwise called bruise) due to soo much xmas besos, gaah, and to think NY hasn't even, I think I need a place to hide..but I do need to work so a wifi is a requirement. 'Am glad for having an out house which has a strong internet signal. Now working at home became quite civilized. With guests. Or without.
Im quite content noodling through even just a day's worth of students tidbits, while having a lazy time trying out some fresh loots and swaggas whilst in bed, even when you need to make a review and write about 'em..oh man, didn't I just said free stuff..and when you love writing, what is doing both you love and earning? what's that you say? a hobby? no, no you're not getting me..Yeeha, I've blogged myself into a much better mood. Now don't let anyone tell you that blogging is dead..these effwits are such spoilsports, and would you believe neither?
It's still the holidays, keep shariiing dudettes..'Am sharing you some of mine..Let me tell you, I could talk to you perpetually and better than any of your avon ladies, HAHAH, but that's just the beauty correspondent part of me talking, don't even let the make-up enthusiast talk you into it just yet..Lol..Didn't I say I <3 ya'al?!
Ye, the whole sixteen pages is just for you and for you ONLY!
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